Haricot Project

The Haricot Project is a multimedia installation based around the short 1962 award winning French film by Edmond Sechan, Le Haricot (The Bean). The original film follows an elderly French domestic seamstress who cultivates a string bean plant she retrieves from a trash bin outside a floral shop. After the bean fails to thrive on the windowsill of her tiny apartment, she begins taking it out daily to the Tuileries Gardens for sun and water, eventually illegally transplanting it into a well-manicured flower bed. It flourishes and she visits daily. When the staff gardeners discover the plant, it is killed, but she rescues some seeds to plant again.

The remake project will be a multi-faceted interactive installation, comprising multiple screens for visual storytelling and a multi-channel soundscape to enhance the immersive experience. A real-life garden will form the central element of the installation, intertwining nature with the film and the sound.

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